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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Calling all Brides...let's take a ride!

Bridal Bonding Boot Camp
We do not remember days...
We remember moments.
(Cesare Paverse)

Bridal Bonding Boot Camp in an informal weekly meeting of brides to be. Getting married is one of the most important decision you will make in your life. It is a time filled with love, excitement, anticipation, and joy. However, preparing for your wedding day is a very busy time of planning, appointments, setting goals and decision making. This can be exhausting and stressful. It is normal to feel both exhilarated and overwhelmed at the same time. AND IT’S ALL OK!

Bridal Bonding Boot Camp is a service that provides the time for you to get back to you. YOU are your first and last love. BBBC wants to support you with specific tools, techniques and exercises that will guide you through this process. Most importantly we want you to have FUN! This is an opportunity for you to meet other women who are experiencing the same feelings, fears and questions you are having. New friendships will be formed and fellowship to be had. Wouldn’t it be great to have another friendly future bride to call when your freaking out and want anonymity from friends and family. These relationships are proven to be quality enhancing both before your wedding day and after you say I do!

The primary purpose of these meetings are to provide you with creative, fun and meaningful ways to bring your emotions to a safe and nonjudgemental place. To give yourself a specific time in your week to relax, explore topics of love, commitment, sex, family, your man, anxiety, diet, exercise and whatever your needs may be so that you are prepared to have the wedding that you want and deserve. We will lay down a strong foundation for you to be effective in planning your wedding sanely and prepare you with tools to have a successful, loving, committed marriage.

Through specialized life coaching skills and mind/body exercises you will achieve your goals. Using creative art therapy techniques such as movement, journaling, and improvisational exercises combined with meditation, guided visualization, ritual and conventional sharing you will be empowered, refreshed, relaxed and prepared for that sacred moment of union that you will share with you fiancee, families and friends. These are your moments, take the time to honor yourself and gracefully transform into your new future.


I believe we need to hug trees more for what they give us than what we give them. I tune into the energy, texture and anything else that comes up inside me. I also think about the tree. The who, what, where, when, how and why. I offer up a prayer of thanks. I have done this unconsciously for myself as healing work.
I just left Kripalu up in the Berkshire Mountains. I did a fast there about five months after my father died. I made him a tree. He is a Spruce. The FIRST thing I do every time I go is stop the car, get out and hug/pray/experience that tree and always sit with it during my stay. I mentioned it to a guest of the fast this week who just lost three family members in 18 months and was a mess. She came back and told me she found three trees together that are now her family.

Mary’s dad at Kripalu, Massachusetts

Mary Gulivindala is the owner of Blue Print Life & Wellness Coaching. She is also a dancer, mother of two boys, a dog and a cat. She is a firm believer of “you are your first and last love.”
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