We all know the expression the glass is either half full or half empty. It is used as a question to gage how a person views a situation, whether they see it as positive or negative. It is about a persons perspective. Well I see the glass as just too big.
Life has become extremely busy and at times overwhelming. With work, add in a commute time, family, add in an aging parent or sick one, children and their schedules plus the wonderful but consuming technology ie. Email, Google, Facebook, Linkeden and Twitter if you choose to use social networking, you will see or feel that there are not enough hours in a day to do what is required let alone have the luxuries of down time, hobbies and a social life.
I'm tired just thinking about it now! So how can you simplify your life?
There are the usual solutions:
Better time management – take away a couple hours of sleeping
Write down a to do list – which if your like me put too many tasks down a day that don't get accomplished and them move them to the next day. By weeks end I have a list longer of the things I didn't do than did.
Prioritize – Do I take the dog for a walk or put down paper?
Delegate – Unless you can pay an assistant, the only people I can delegate to are my kids and they are too young to drive, go to the market, or use the oven.
The reality is you can't do it alone or do it as well as you want without sacrifices your health, sanity or self esteem. That is why I like being a life coach, to assist you in moving forward in your life as smoothly as possible. I guide you to live in the solution. When a client comes to me with a goal or goals they want to achieve, they don't have the availability to take the time to sit down, strategize, research and assess how to reach their goals in a timely stress free manner, or the resources I do. Taking time out of their day to do those things would just add to their already hectic lives.
Enter stage left...me. I access, articulate, make a list of action steps to do and guide my clients successfully to their goal in a timely manner, dependent upon how willing and committed the client is to do the work. IT'S ONE LESS THING FOR THEM TO PUT ON THEIR TO DO LIST... YEA!!! It is now on mine.
This is not to say that I tell you what to do, you are involved in the process because you are the process and the answers lie within you. My job is to keep you moving forward and accountable to yourself and encourage you to think in different ways than you might normally. I will get your creative juices going, and you do have them, think outside the box and inspire you in ways that you didn't know lived within you.
One step at a time we will get to your destination.
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